quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2022

CONTACT 06 -Thor Han on GIZA's SHADOW PAST (April 21 / 6pm EST)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oecFfle-7QQ Elena Danaan. Thor knows. They didn't stop the search, now they are dressed as good guys, in the subsoil of the Amazon brasileira looking for the "missing link" someone, something, has to stop these Nazis who insist on continuing to enslave humanity, and hiding the facts. Thor sabe. Eles não interromperam as buscas, agora, estão vestidos de bom mocinhos no sub solo da Amazônia procurando o "elo perdido" alguém, algo, tem que deter esses nazistas que teimam em continuar escravizando a humanidade.

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